Recalling Ability Exercise

This is a test of visual memory. This is also a good activity for those who struggle with spelling.

How is this activity organised?

Four images are shown. The child can see the image for any length of time. Once the user clicks the start button, all the images disappear and the beginning letter of one of the images shown earlier is displayed. The challenge is to fill in the name of that image. If the child makes a mistake, she/he can hear the word. With the help of this clue, the user can attempt again to write the word

These exercises help your child to learn spelling of a word by looking at the image of that word. With practice, the child can learn the spellings of the words used here. These exercises also improve the short term memory and word recall.

Don’t stop with these few images. Make your own worksheets and teach your child spelling of any word linked to pictures. Use the computer to the maximum advantage. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

A picture dictionary is a good resource. Search the net for picture dictionary for children. Picture dictionaries can be downloaded free!

You can make your own picture worksheets!

Search the net for: Images of words stating with alphabet a.

Similarly search for images of starting with ___ (write any alphabet.)

Search for images of verbs/ adjectives. You can get a whole lot of pictures!

Also search for picture worksheets for kids.

If you want a picture of forest, search the net for images of forest. You can search for pictures of many words/expressions used in your child’s text books.

Samples of images are given below:


You can make worksheets on different topics. It can be mathematical or science terms, or planets in the solar system. You can get images of many words used in the child’s text books and prepare picture worksheets. These are very useful for children with learning difficulties.

You can help your child learn spelling of the words in her textbooks by preparing your own picture dictionary.